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Welcome to Lucas Estate Planning!
At Lucas Estate Planning we believe that everyone should have access to qualified professionals who can help them evaluate their position and provide them with the advice and resources that they need to make solid financial decisions throughout their life. We work closely with qualified financial, legal and tax professionals who feel that every client deserves an estate plan that allows their goals to be reached and maintained and to minimize cost in the present and future.
Our goal is to give our clients peace of mind through our process of managing and maintaining their estate. Even if they become ill or incapacitated our plan will follow our clients throughout their lifetime providing them with the financial safety and security that will allow them to live out the rest of their days in the same financial lifestyle that they are accustomed too.
Estate Planning, by legal definition is; "The act of preparing for the transfer of a person`s wealth and assets after his or her death. Assets, life insurance, pensions, real estate, cars, personal belongings, and debts are all part of one`s estate."
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